Are you ready to finally let go
of the past, get out of your own
way, & live authentically
and courageously?


  • If you could stop the cycle of negative self-talk & finally feel that you are enough

  • Not worrying about what others think about you and fully owning who you are and who you were created to be

  • Feeling alive again with no fear of the unknown and fully embracing the present for the gift that it is

  • Ending the generational struggle by re-writing your life narrative and paving a new path for yourself and your family  

The Gift of the
S.H.I.F.T. Workshop

“I used to like the idea of people thinking I had it all together. Now I can’t wait to tell them how much of a mess I was and snow them what the power of perspective & taking action can do.” - Rachel Friend

What’s Inside

The Gift of S.H.I.F.T. is Rachel’s 6-week mentorship program where you will journey through her S.H.I.F.T. method to finally break free from limiting beliefs so you can finally make peace with your past, & feel confident in who you are & what you stand for.

Maybe you’ve read all the books, listened to all the podcasts and felt like you’re destined to feel like this forever...that you're stuck in this never ending loop. However, with the customized coaching and support through weekly calls, you’ll learn the tools you need to make the changes necessary to have a completely different experience of life. Rachel believes if you know better you can do better!

In addition to the training and weekly calls, you’ll get access to Rachel in a private Voxer chat to talk through the method and what’s specifically coming up for you as you embark on this journey back to self. She is here to hold you accountable & help you gain what matters to you most.

You aren’t journeying through this alone. Rachel’s got your back. Get ready to experience the Gift of S.H.I.F.T. & find more joy in the journey!

This is for you if…

  • You are tired of letting fear rule your life & steal your time in the here and now

  • You are ready to fully love and accept yourself & feel enough regardless of what others say

  • You want to find inner peace & not be bound by the past

  • You want to be able to defeat the negative self-talk, your limiting story & the doubt that keeps holding you back

  • You don't want to subconsciously pass on your unhealed story to your children & instead pave a new path for your family

The S.H.I.F.T Methodology
How does this process work?

S - Start with the end

Start by focusing on what you really want in the moments of life and get clear on who you desire to be and how you desire to show up in your life.

H - Hurdles 

Identify the hurdles & roadblocks that are in your way as you are reaching your end game.

I - "I" am in control 

Recognize that you are in control of your experience and that you hold the power to change your life.

F - Find another place to stand 

Tap into the endless possibilities of how you want to experience your life.

T - Transform your experience of life

Discover life from a whole new place and enjoy your new gift.

By the end of this journey you will…

  • Have the roadmap to getting exactly what you want from yourself and where you want to go in life

  • Feel more confident in your choices & OWN who you are and what you stand for

  • Find clarity on what's holding you back & preventing you from moving forward

  • Recognize your power in every situation and know how to immediately shift your state

  • Connect more deeply with your loved ones

If you are ready to finally let go of the past, get out of your own way, & live authentically and courageously in the next 6 weeks...

 “If it costs you your peace, it’s too expensive.” - Anonymous